chado package


chado.client module

Base chado client

class chado.client.Client(engine, metadata, session, ci)

Bases: object

Base client class implementing methods to make queries to the server

chado.exceptions module

exception chado.exceptions.RecordNotFoundError

Bases: Exception

Raised when a db select failed.

chado.util module

class chado.util.UtilClient(engine, metadata, session, ci)

Bases: chado.client.Client

Some chado utilities


Open a psql session to the database

Return type:None
launch_docker_image(background=False, no_yeast=False)

Launch a chado docker image.

  • background (bool) – Launch the image in the background
  • no_yeast (bool) – Disable loading of example yeast data
Return type:




Module contents

class chado.ChadoInstance(dbhost='localhost', dbname='chado', dbuser='chado', dbpass='chado', dbschema='public', dbport=5432, dburl=None, offline=False, no_reflect=False, reflect_tripal_tables=False, pool_connections=True, **kwargs)

Bases: object

create_cvterm(term, cv_name, db_name, term_definition='', cv_definition='', db_definition='', accession='')
get_cvterm_id(name, cv, allow_synonyms=False)

get_cvterm_id allows lookup of CV terms by their name. This method caches the result in order to not hit the DB for every query. Maybe should investigate pre-loading popular terms? (E.g. gene, mRNA, etc)


get_cvterm_name allows lookup of CV terms by their ID. This method caches the result in order to not hit the DB for every query. Maybe should investigate pre-loading popular terms? (E.g. gene, mRNA, etc)


Allows lookup of publication by their uniquename. This method caches the result in order to not hit the DB for every query.

class chado.ChadoModel

Bases: object